Are you suffering from sore, achy feet after this long winter?

Many people find wearing boots during Canada’s long and chilly winters to be quite challenging. These shoes tend to be stiff and constricting and our foot muscles become overworked when they try to move naturally inside them. This can lead to foot stiffness that restricts the movement of your joints and can cause long term problems such as arthritis.

A unique treatment option for these symptoms is a therapy called foot mobilization. It uses a gentle manual approach to loosen tight muscles and bring more fluidity to joint movement to help relieve that stiff, aching feeling.

At the West Mississauga Foot Clinic, we offer foot mobilization therapy as an intensive treatment regiment to tackle stubborn foot issues or as periodic adjustments to maintain overall foot health. The theorized benefits of this treatment include smoother joint movements, increased blood supply to the joints and surrounding tissues, and re-training of nerves important for maintaining long-term corrections in your feet.

So if you suffer from sore, achy feet, contact us today at (905) 625-1555 to schedule an appointment with one of our registered chiropodists to see if you would be a good candidate for foot mobilization.

West Mississauga Foot Clinic is located at 1550 S Gateway Rd, Unit 207, in Mississauga (between Eastgate Pkwy and Eglinton Ave E off of Dixie Rd.) Visit us online at